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Welcome to RYSA COVID-19 Hub.

Image by Nick Fewings
COVID-19 Recommended Procedures

Radcliff Youth Soccer requires all adults involved in soccer activities to read and understand  the Fall 2021 Recommended Procedures.

Please note, given the nature of this pandemic, this framework may change at any time based on the most recent Hardin County Department of Public Health and Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines.

Please keep in mind that local municipalities, counties and jurisdictions may have additional restrictions and guidelines in place that will need to be adhered to.

Please contact Radcliff Youth Soccer - via with any questions related to COVID-19.

What do I do if I am exposed to COVID-19?

Per Centers for Disease Control (CDC), follow this link.

COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC

Radcliff Youth Soccer COVID-19 


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